January is Walk Your Dog Month!

Okay, I know it is cold outside in most of the country right now. So you are probably wondering why National dog month is in January! Well, I wonder Samoa leash walkingthat myself as I have my long underwear on today. I think whoever came up with this either wanted a motivation to get themselves moving or lives in a warmer climate!

In any case, it is important to get our dogs daily exercise. They usually do not mind the cold as much as we do, if they do get them a doggie coat. Really this is a good incentive to get out and move for us as well as keeping our dogs healthy, trim, and out of trouble!

Agility work 2012Another great activity to do with your dog in the winter is get involved in agility training. Make sure your dog is at least one year old before you begin any kind of agility training. Dogs love this sport and it is a great bonding time for both of you.

Don’t forget to bundle up and get moving!

Cheryl Sabens

Ashford Manor Labradoodles

Australian Labradoodle Breeder in Midwest
